
Salespeople Keep Failing to See This

Oct 19, 2024
Salespeople Keep Failing to See This

Salespeople keep failing to realize this.

Just because your product solves a problem.

Doesn't mean every prospect should buy it. 

Most executives don't live in cash poverty.

They live in time and attention poverty. 

If your prospect admits to a problem but they still won't buy.

It's probably because the problem isn't high on their priority list. 

1. Align on a problem
2. Align on it's importance
3. Sell the solution

One of the many knowledge bombs Chris Orlob
shared with me. 

I strongly suggest adding it to your watchlist.

We can only sell as effectively as we can understand our prospects.

We can only understand our prospects by following this process.

I've always emphasized the importance of aligning on the problem.

For those who have taken my modern prospecting course you know how critical this step is to the prospecting process.

In fact I suggest all outbound sellers aim for finding prospects who agree on the problem rather than aiming for prospects who agree to a meeting.

However, the point Chris raised is of paramount importance; if we align on a problem it doesn't mean anything if the problem isn't high enough on their priority list.

I'll be taking that nugget into my own sales process, you should as well!

Full episode available on YouTube, Rumble, Spotify, and Apple Podcasts.

Happy Selling,

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