
Marketing Hype Can't Win Deals

Jul 16, 2024
Marketing Hype Can't Win Deals

90% of startups fail. 

After they claimed to disrupt their industry. 

Marketing hype is great and effective. 

"The Top SaaS Platform for XYZ"

Just don't fall for it unless it's confirmed by current salespeople and customers.

Most marketers who write these things can't actually explain how the product works because they've never used or sold it.

There's a difference between disrupting an industry and disrupting people's careers. 

Do your due diligence. 

Don't sell bad products. 

The best products don't usually need to call themselves the best. 

Be wary of those who do.

How do you know if a company has a good/great product that's worth selling? 

1. Speak to current salespeople and customers. Use LinkedIn to reach out cold and ask for feedback. Tell them you're considering working there, eventually someone will reply. 

2. Look at the logos they put on their website and message people from those companies to ask about their experience using the product. 

3. Sign up for free trials whenever possible and become a user of the product yourself. 

The more you can speak to people who have experienced selling it or using it, the more easily you'll be able to identify which companies to work for. 

Put this due diligence above salary, commission, equity, title, or anything else. 

There are two things that matter most in finding a sales job and it's selling a great product that people want to buy and having an attainable quota. 

Everything else can be navigated, but those details are beyond your control, so find the employers that offer those two things.

Happy Selling,


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