
Ghost Jobs Are Hurting Job Market

Jul 15, 2024
Ghost Jobs Are Hurting Job Market

Stop posting ghost sales jobs, it's criminal. 

It's false advertising. 

It's preventing people from finding work. 

It creates an illusion of a strong job market. 

What's a ghost job? 

It's a job posting that isn't real.

They're not interviewing or hiring to fill it. 

The Bureau of Labor Statistics recorded 9.6 million open jobs.

Yet only 2% of them were placed the following month. 

Companies do this because:

1. They claim it boosts revenue
2. They claim it makes people work harder
3. They claim it makes them look stronger

The list goes on...

Utter nonsense that can be better defined by calling it what it is; lying.

In a world obsessed with virtue signaling.

Perhaps honesty is a virtue worth practicing. 

For every ghost job you post...

There are families who can't put food on the table.

Because they're wasting their time applying to jobs that don't exist. 

I don't care if you're disrupting an industry. 

I don't care if you're trying to make the world a better place. 

Until you consider your impact on humanity, you're doing nothing positive.

Do better, please. 

The bar is so darn low. 

Just stop lying. 

Only a matter of time before a wall of shame lists all these companies for everyone to see. 

Delete your ghost jobs right now.

Please and thank you.

If you're curious to see the data just run a quick Google search and you'll see it's everywhere.

Here's an article on Indeed, for example.

This problem was somehow widely published yet seldomly discussed.

What kind of world are we living in if people are applying to millions of jobs that don't exist?

It's one thing to deal with a difficult job market, but it's another to do so while not even realizing how bad the market may actually be.

I believe most companies don't realize how harmful this is and their intentions may be decent, but the cats out of the bag so it's time to delete job postings if you're not actively interviewing and hiring for the role.

Happy Selling,


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