
Don't Judge Salespeople by Tenure

Oct 06, 2024
Don't Judge Salespeople by Tenure

Collin you were only in a closing role for 10 months, why should we trust you? 

Never make the mistake of assuming the duration someone spent doing something has any relation to their success or accomplishments. 

Unless you're crediting them for accomplishing things quickly. 

The fastest Olympian runner didn't win by taking the longest. 

In sales, if you can accomplish more than your peers in less time, you'll move up quickly. 

After 10 months of becoming a top salesperson of 60 reps, I moved onto hiring and training over 150 full-cycle salespeople. 

For those who think training salespeople means stepping away from sales calls, they don't understand sales training. 

A promotion from seller to trainer means jumping on more challenging cold calls, demos, and closing calls than as an individual contributor. 

Training 150 salespeople means getting on all of their most challenging calls. 

It means going from 1-2 super difficult calls per day, to dozens.

That's the sole purpose of a sales trainer; to amplify their talents across the entire team and make sure they are on all of the most challenging calls to book meetings, close deals, and show the team how it's done. 

I didn't get here through anything other than hard work. 

Trust me when I tell you...

If moving into a sales leadership position means you're getting on fewer challenging sales calls, you're doing it all wrong.

The idea is that you spend less time on easy calls and all your time on the most challenging calls across the entire team. 

That's how you make an impact quickly and justify your purpose.

Looking for reasons to discredit people is a loser's mindset. 

Don't be a loser.

It's worthwhile to question who you should trust and who you shouldn't. But pay less attention to time in roll and more attention to what was accomplished. 

Greater accomplishments in less time equates to someone who probably figured something out. On the other end of that coin someone who has done something for a long time also brings different value to the table, although if they haven't accomplished much in that time it may also not mean anything.

Question everything, this is good, but also give people the benefit of the doubt and approach things from a place of curiosity instead of accusation (it's a better look). 

The world needs more love, spread some today.

Happy Selling,


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