
Why Should We Choose Your Product?

Oct 17, 2024
Why Should We Choose Your Product?

Why should we choose you over your competition? 

Most salespeople respond the same way:

1. They go on a sales rant
2. They trash talk competitors
3. They over-promise

The reason this rarely works is because it's the same talk tracks your competitors follow when asked the same question and the buyer is left in a confusing sea of sameness. 

Instead try this:

Tell your prospect you don't trash talk competitors.

Tell them there are a lot of great solutions on the market. 

Tell them it's not about picking the best, because there is no best. 

It's about separating good fits VS bad fits. 

It's about finding solutions that check your required boxes. 

From there it's about selecting who you'd enjoy working with. 

We spend our time focused on our customers, not competitors. 

We definitely want to work with you, but if there's another company you're more excited to work with, you should probably work with them. 

This is called "pattern breaking". 

The strategy is simple, say the opposite of what they expect. 

When you stop playing defense, they stop playing offense. 

You'll be shocked how quickly this closes deals.

Buyers don't realize this but when they're comparing solutions and asking each vendor the same questions, what they're actually looking for is someone to break the pattern.

They're looking for someone to stand out, to be different, to show a next level of comfort and reassurance. You can easily accomplish this by not playing into the "us VS them" game.

Happy Selling,


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