
The Fastest Way to Reach Your Quota

Aug 31, 2024
The Fastest Way to Reach Your Quota

The fastest way to quota.

Is a repeatable process. 

It's doing the same thing every day. 

While making it a little better each time. 

1. Iteration
2. Documentation
3. Replication

Don't iterate too frequently. 

Test changes weeks or months at a time. 

Document the details. 

Measure the results. 

Scale for team-wide consistency. 

All of this works...

Unless you fail to retain your salespeople. 

Failure to retain means high cost to retrain.

Retain (or) Retrain...

That's the part so many still get wrong. 

And it's darn expensive. 

Invest in your salespeople and you'll fire them less often.

Their compounding skills really do add up over time.

Play the long game.

This doesn't mean bad salespeople don't need to be let go, they do.

But too often salespeople are considered "bad" when they have yet to receive proper training and development and the company is instead looking to cycle a new batch of sellers in and hope for the best.

This costs far more in the long-run than heavily investing in your team does when done correctly.  

Even weak salespeople get better each year, so often you stand more to gain by doubling down on your existing team than you do replacing them and starting from scratch.

If they're showing any signs of improvement, they're often worth hanging onto and investing in. 

It's only when they can't iterate at all that it truly makes sense to let them go.

Happy Selling,


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