
The Dream Scenario for Selling

Nov 04, 2024
The Dream Scenario for Selling

A salesperson's dream scenario:

1. Company invests heavily in perfecting the product
2. Company invests heavily perfecting user experience
3. Company invests heavily in revenue operations

The bulk of SaaS companies however:

1. Prioritize sales and marketing over product
2. Use annual contracts to avoid churn realities
3. Inefficiently hack RevOps stack together

It's amazing how smooth things go when everything is done in the right order. 

Once you raise money and promise huge growth numbers there's no way to go back to making the product or user experience the top priority. 

Nail it the first time or forever be chasing new revenue for growth.

Sellers, do whatever you can to work for those who get this right.

If startups really want to nail this, the best are staying stealth, bootstrapped, or below the radar for longer and perfecting their PMF to a much higher standard than the past decade in SaaS.

It's worth the effort because when the product is truly that great, the sales and marketing happens almost effortlessly.

Happy Selling,

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