The Best Salespeople Do This Well
Nov 05, 2024
The best salespeople I know do this very well.
1. They know where to invest their time
2. They work hard but usually not long hours
3. They have strong work-life harmony
Knowing where to invest your time is the most important because it's too easy to work hard doing things that amount to nothing.
Working hard is always important but if you work hard while spending your time in the right areas (the first bullet) then you generally don't need to work long hours.
Work-life harmony is a concept from Jeff Bezos. It's different from work-life balance because it takes into account that our work and personal lives often overlap, so it's best they do so in harmony.
Skills, grit, ambition, etc. these things all matter.
But time efficiency is what much of sales success comes down to.
What activities in your schedule amount to the most revenue?
Do more of that.
What activities eat up time and amount to nothing?
Stop doing those things or automate them.
It's often the tasks we enjoy the least which amount to the most revenue.
So decide if you care more about enjoying your day or earning more income.
Make that choice a conscious one and then set your schedule around your desired outcome.
Happy Selling,