
Stop Offering Gift Cards for Demos

Oct 10, 2024
Stop Offering Gift Cards for Demos

I received an offer for $150 amazon gift card this week to take a demo with a very reputable startup. 

I don't fit their ICP and the message was not properly edited to make sense, given the name of my business is also my name.

Automated emails that aren't human edited often say things like "I see you've been at Collin Cadmus for 4 years". 

So not only are they giving away $150 to non ICP for demos but they're paying SDR's to crank out completely automated messages. 

That's the growth-at-all-cost model in a nutshell.

Most companies have stepped away from growth-at-all-cost but it's still out there for those with a lot of capital who seek to gain market share very quickly.

I strongly suggest watching/listening to episode 14 of my podcast where Jocko van der Kooij shares his wisdom and research on the shift away from GaaC.

If GaaC works for your business model, keep it up.

But these are the types of outbound operations that are first to be replaced by AI.

Make sure you're adding human value to your process, otherwise you won't be needed in it much longer.

Full episode available on Rumble, Spotify, and Apple Podcasts.

Happy Selling,

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