
Stop Debating AI Replacing Salespeople

Oct 07, 2024
Stop Debating AI Replacing Salespeople

Stop debating if AI will replace salespeople. 

The debates we have about whether or not AI can do all the things a human SDR or AE can do are essentially useless. 

Here's a big reason why:

We're only thinking about one side of the coin (replacing the sales function). 

But the other side of that coin is what AI is going to do for buyers. 

Today salespeople serve as gatekeepers of information. 

In the near future a new category of AI buyer enablement tools will be created. 

If you need SaaS, you'll consult the AI, tell it what you need, and it'll guide you through the evaluation and selection process. 

When this happens, the human salesperson loses it's value. 

At that point, the way we think about sales today becomes irrelevant, and what becomes most relevant is whether or not we as humans can provide value that AI buying tools can't. 

Things like:

1. Technical expertise on products that are still too complex for AI to understand flawlessly

(won't last forever)

2. Ability to garner attention and get in front of prospects in ways automation tools can't

(social media is a great example)

3. Pricing, negotiating, and special terms where self-serve solutions fall short

(most applicable to large enterprise sales)

I spoke directly with the man who's actually building and selling
AiSDR today.

I highly recommend watching/listening through to the end so you can stay up to speed on what's actually happening. This is only one of the reasons the current debate on what AI is capable of is generally a waste of our time aside from entertainment purposes.

The other reason is because most people simply don't yet comprehend what generative AI is actually capable of. Most people don't realize that what we see today is barely scratching the surface and the rate of advancement will become so fast that we literally won't be able to keep up. 

So it's not a question of if AI can do everything a human can do, it's a question of when those tools come to market AND when buyers adopt those new solutions. 

My prediction is that a lot of adoption will be generational. What we should be most prepared for are Gen Z buyers taking over the B2B decision maker roles. They have no history of speaking to salespeople so they will gravitate toward AI buying tools and self-serve. 

This means we have some time to prepare, but it'll happen fast and there will be early adopters sooner than the Gen Z buyer. 

Enjoy the episode, I learned a lot and glad I went straight to the source because he was extremely honest and transparent about the good and the bad.

Full episode available on YouTube, Rumble, Spotify, and Apple Podcasts.

Happy Selling,

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