
Salespeople Do This to Stand Out

Oct 24, 2024
Salespeople Do This to Stand Out

Salespeople, do this to stand out in Q4:

Send handwritten holiday cards to top prospects. 

Do some research, make them personal. 

Don't type anything, handwrite it all (envelope too). 

No CTA, just warm wishes with no ask.

Repeat the same process for your top customers. 

Thank them for their business and wish them a happy new year. 

Sales and marketing strategies are like fashion trends. 

Once they're totally out of style, they become effective again.

Assume next year we'll have an outbound holiday card automation platform. 

It's like getting in on sunlight before there was sun.

Extra points for anyone who knows what movie that's from.

All seriousness, good luck in Q4. 

Standing out from the sea of sameness never goes out of style. 

Do things that don't scale in Q4. 

It'll force you to focus on doing things that stand out.

Doing something kind with no ask will make you memorable.

It'll mean when they acknowledge the problem you solve they'll be more likely to think about you.

It'll mean when you reach back out a few weeks into the new year they'll be more likely to respond.

Go analog and do things that don't scale; meet some folks in person, send some handwritten cards, etc.

They'll like you for it.

Happy Selling,


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