
Sales Urgency Shouldn't Be Fabricated

Jul 23, 2024
Sales Urgency Shouldn't Be Fabricated

Creating urgency is the wrong sales mindset. 

Your product's value prop should create the urgency. 

Not an expiring discount. 

Not a pressure tactic to "remain on schedule".

These tactics work, they'll speed things up.

But they're ignoring the actual problem. 

Which is that prospects aren't eager to get started. 

If you have to fabricate urgency to close the deal. 

What happens when they're supposed to use the product? 

I've seen it countless times. 

Sales orgs that constantly preach about creating urgency. 

Almost always have a product adoption problem. 

When people really want to use a product. 

The urgency creates itself. 

Free trials are the best way to accomplish this. 

They're not like expiring discounts. 

They're free samples. 

The goal is to create a product addiction before the trial ends.

Do that effectively and you'll never need to teach urgency again.

As always, sales success starts with a great product. 

For everyone else...

There's crafty sales tactics like fabricated urgency.

This doesn't mean salespeople shouldn't work to maintain an efficient sales process, they should.

But when we have to go above and beyond to force urgency into a sales process it always tells me there's a bigger problem, and it's usually that the product's value prop just isn't compelling enough.

It's usually because the product is a "nice to have" instead of a "must have". 

Do what you need to do to close deals, but from a PMF standpoint, don't ignore this signal because it almost always means your product is just not strong enough yet or the problem it's solving just isn't painful enough. 

Everyone knows what it's like to want/need a product ASAP, we get those things paid for and deployed very quickly, and we don't need a salesperson pushing us to do it.

Aim for having a product that has that effect on your prospects. Aim for product addiction.

Happy Selling,


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