
Sales Is a Difficult Lifestyle

Nov 02, 2024
Sales Is a Difficult Lifestyle

Sales is a difficult lifestyle. 

1. Carrying quotas that are rarely achieved
2. Working for employers that fire/layoff regularly
3. Expecting equity to cash-out big, that doesn't

This list could go on endlessly.

But the greatest salespeople focus on what's in their control.

1. They reverse engineer their metrics 
2. They repeat activities that compound 
3. They move swiftly past their failures

They also:

1. Sell things people want to buy
2. Work for brands with recognition
3. Negotiate protections into their offer

The game may be rigged to our disadvantage, but the best sellers find ways to take what they control and rig it to their advantage. 

One thing no one ever said... 

Is that it'll be easy.

It won't, it's hard...

But that's what makes it so darn exciting.

This doesn't mean we should stop advocating for improvement in the areas where we have no control. There is a time and place in the industry for this type of banter, and it truly does have an impact because it starts with awareness, which leads to social pressure, which results in change. 

Just don't confuse advocating for change with distracting yourself from success.

The two are different. One is an occasional practice but the other is a daily routine. Don't confuse the two.

Happy Selling,

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