
Prospects Don't Know How to Buy

Oct 18, 2024
Prospects Don't Know How to Buy

Prospects don't know how to make buying decisions. 

They think they do, but most have no clue. 

Our job as salespeople is to guide this process. 

1. Define their checklist of must-haves
2. Identify potential solution fits
3. Define the pros & cons of each

Notice I never said help them find the best solution, which is exactly how they approach the decision making process. 

In most B2B SaaS scenarios, there is no best product. 

There are:

1. Products that meet our requirements
2. Prices that fit our budget
3. People we want to work with

If you can help prospects navigate those 3 criteria...

You've become an effective salesperson.

Don't confuse top brands with top products.

In B2B SaaS there are certainly top brands, but in most cases there are comparable products that do the same thing at lower price points with lesser known brands.

This is why for most salespeople who are not selling for a "top brand" it's important to guide prospects through a decision process that aims for finding the best fit, rather than the best product.

Happy Selling,


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