
Less Follow Up and More Prospecting

Oct 21, 2024

Hey Salespeople; follow up less and prospect more. 

Too often salespeople are hyper focused on following up with accounts they've already pitched. 

When they should be laser focused on prospecting into new accounts. 

Sales shouldn't require a lot of following up. 

It pushes buyers away more than it reels them in.

Sometimes it just takes a week or two for them to get back to you.

You could spend that time pushing them away with meaningless check-ins.

Or spend it finding new accounts to pitch.

The latter is what top salespeople do. 

Do that.

It's tempting to check-in,especially when the last call ended with such positive momentum that we get confused when they ghost us. 

1. Sometimes they're checking out a competitor and need time to evaluate; give them that time and be confident in your pitch

2. Sometimes they have higher priorities and you're best waiting until the moment arises where this priority becomes painful for them again; you'll stand a better chance winning the deal then

3. Sometimes your pitch and/or product just wasn't good enough; you should be able to feel when that happens but sometimes they bluff and don't express it

In either scenario, it makes the most sense to give them their space and time and focus on finding more new prospects. 

If your follow up doesn't provide additional value to the sales process, probably, usually, most of the time, it's just not worth sending.

Happy Selling,


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