
I Used to Sell Completely Different

Oct 20, 2024
I Used to Sell Completely Different

I used to sell completely different.

I would:

1. Keep pricing off website and only discuss on calls
2. Keep demos private and only show on calls
3. Prioritize quantity over quality with outbound

Here's what's changed:

1. Buyers want transparent pricing
2. Buyers want self-serve demos
3. Intent matters

It's easy to crush the first two, but I'm still searching for the best strategy and tool combo for finding prospects that are truly in the market.

Buyer intent data has the potential to change outbound sales dramatically.

I've found good tools for showing me who is visiting our website but I'm yet to find something that can provide a real-time daily list of potential prospects who are shopping the market for similar products or services.

That's what will ultimately change the outbound game and make outbound a less painful process for buyers, since we can begin targeting only people who are truly shopping the market.

Happy Selling,

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