
How to Keep Product Market Fit

Oct 13, 2024
How to Keep Product Market Fit

Product market fit doesn't age like fine wine. 

That thing you achieved a few years ago.

It's probably not there anymore. 

You crushed founder-led sales.

You raised a bunch of money. 

You hired a revenue org (marketing, sales, success). 

You handed off all front line responsibilities. 

You attracted a lot of competition. 

You haven't closed deals in 12-24 months yourself. 

You're no longer qualified to coach sales. 

Your experience has lost it's relevance. 

Throw yourself back on the front line.

Speak to prospects and customers and join support calls. 

Within 1 day you'll go from blaming your salespeople.

To overhauling your product roadmap. 

Moral of the story:

Either trust your sales team unequivocally.

Or stay ridiculously close to your prospects and customers. 

The best CEO's do this naturally. 

For everyone else, don't get too comfortable.

Competition has become so fierce in B2B SaaS and tech that product market fit needs to be re-achieved on a monthly basis.

The problem with the traditional model of founders moving completely away from the front lines is they lose the perspective that it took to get them to where they're at. 

This doesn't mean founders need to be on sales calls or talking to customers every day.

But it does mean they should be carving out time for it every month. 

It only takes one month away from prospect/customer convos to completely lose sight of your greatest threat.

Happy Selling,


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