
Bottom-Up Champion Building

Nov 09, 2024
Bottom-Up Champion Building

Sales works best when building champions bottom-up.

Especially in B2B SaaS.

Here's why...

Sometimes executives are looking for solutions to their problems but usually they don't know exactly what those problems are... so if we sell top-down, we have to accomplish a lot in the wrong order.

1. We have to convince the executive to take our call
2. We have to convince the executive they have a problem
3. We have to convince them to solve it with our solution
4. They have to convince their team to adopt the solution

This is a lot of time consuming red-tape to work through.

If we start by building champions bottom-up, we can avoid it all.

1. Market to and acquire freemium users
2. Turn users into champions
3. Champions advocate to their executives
4. We make contact and close the deal

There's a reason PLG is taking the world by storm.

It's because getting people to use your product is the best first step. 

Can't work for all SaaS, but where it can, it's the way to go.

For everyone else, good luck going top-down. 

It's really darn hard in today's hyper competitive market.

There are clearly exceptions to this, but generally speaking for outbound prospecting and marketing it's so much easier to sell a problem and solution to the end user because they are the ones experiencing the problem you're solving.

So unless your tool is specifically built for executives to use, then you're likely best trying to acquire those user-level champions first.

Happy Selling,

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