
AE's Must Lead and Mentor SDR's

Jul 22, 2024
AE's Must Lead and Mentor SDR's

If you're an AE with an SDR setting meetings for you.

Your role has a leadership component to it whether you like it or not.

Your SDR's rely on you for training and development. 

It's a classic situation of receiving in return what you give. 

It's easy to complain about the quality of meetings they set. 

But the best AE's are dedicating time to coaching SDR's. 

The best AE's are helping to develop their SDR's into future AE's. 

Let them join demo calls. 

Let them run some demos with you on the call when they're ready. 

The more you can invite them into your world, the better they'll perform.

Take them under your wing. 

It's not just an investment into their future performance. 

It's an investment into your present performance.

You get what you give. 

If you don't like what you're getting from your SDR's. 

Take a look in the mirror at what you're giving them.

Then give more.

If your company already has a strong training program for developing SDR's into future AE's, be cautious not to interfere with that, but be willing to offer help because the AE's who do, always end up doing better in the long run, whether it's by receiving better demos on their calendar or by opening doors to future leadership opportunities.

You get what you give.

Happy Selling,


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