
A New Breed of AE's in B2B SaaS

Oct 04, 2024
A New Breed of AE's in B2B SaaS

If an AE doesn't know how to generate pipeline, they're not qualified for the job.

I'm not sure how this happened, but there's a handful of AE's in the SaaS world who don't know how to prospect. 

They've apparently never had to. 

They've had SDR's and inbound leads their entire career. 

On one hand, kudos to them for being so lucky. 

On the other hand, they've been cheated because they're only half a salesperson if they haven't mastered top of funnel. 

The same can be said about career SDR's who never learned how to close, although there's no dispute in that regard and the pay scale reflects this skills gap accordingly. 

But somehow there are sellers making full AE income without having ever run an outbound campaign. 

It doesn't sit right with me because what happens when they need to find a new sales job and it requires generating pipeline? 

What happens when their SDR's need coaching and their AE's have never done the job? 

That's why I say they've been cheated, but maybe this is the future of sales?

It's possible that the future of sales may not require prospecting. Perhaps AI will fully replace the need for human SDR's. But we're certainly not there today and in the meantime being an AE who doesn't know how to prospect is a major disadvantage. 

If you're just getting into sales, even if you have the ability to become an "Inbound AE" or an "AE without prospecting", I still strongly suggest starting in a role where you learn how to generate your own pipeline.

It's the aspect of sales that actually keeps you in full control of your destiny.

Without it you're reliant on marketing and SDR's for your paycheck, and that's a vulnerable place to be.

Happy Selling,


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